Thursday, September 30, 2010

Guns are for Pussies

I laughed when I heard such a thing.

Thank God our founding fathers fought against the Empire with Guns

Because the South will rise again, Zombies don't care how you voted, it takes 911 an average of four minutes, Hurricanes happen, Victims that shoot back live longer, and you never know when the British might come back for their back taxes.

R1 is no match 4 BUZA!!

Tell methis is a Euroshot, gotta be....the music the accent. I dunno, I was too intoxicated to remember much of Europe. Serious, Italy was nothing more than a word on a stub.

We're getting there my faithful. Any idea what the top speed on a Buza (Hyabusa) is?? I dunno either, lets make it this weeks trivia question. Used to be a whole lot more work before the advent of Google.

We will think about tires now. Tires

Monday, September 27, 2010

Outlaws that break Laws

If you type in outlaw country on You Tube this is what pops up @ ya! Some Damn Waylon Jennings gettin props from the late great Johnny Cash.

Some punk kid told me the other day he thought Brooks and Dunn was a whole lot better than Johnny Cash!!! Lil Bastard....Quit breathin my air!!

Wasnt no one did it like Waylon, set my man up a round on the clouds. He's up there somewhere kickin off his boots and pickin on that ol Fender.

Here's to you Waylon, a true outlaw if there ever was one

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Friggin Birthday to ME!!!

Yeah, it's raining, the woman I plan to marry is 2 states away, my Bearcats lost, my wallet aint quite as phat as I would like and above all else Obama is STILL President.

The Vandals, Vandals and Vandalism makes everything bettter, and damn....we have one hell of a mughty fine batch report here on the counter. Fuck You Economy! I'm gonna go getme a twelve dollar jar of honey !

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crawling Faster

We were speaking of H.P last night. How my H.P conception has changed over the last 5 plus years and how I imagine it will continue to change. Thinking of change, who decided drunks dont like change, most of us are A.D.D and we do know what that means. Maybe its those Manhatten drunks, or those small town put the plug in the jug drunks.

We will get to my judgementalness I promise

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Return of the BE-Log

One year, ok, nearly one year, or approx ten months if we wish to be more exact but damn I been busy. Moving (twice) Leaving not only a job but a career behind and starting another business. Damn I could go on for a while about this and I just might. I mean that is the point of most people s blogs right?? Hoping that others have such boring and fundid lives that they will read about there otherwise boring life also.

We dont do news around here, @ least not traditional type FOX NEWS. SNOOZE. Will it make you fel any better if I told you right up front I will keep the politics to a minimum. Truly, we will keep politics to the positive. Yes Ron Paul, Yes Rand and Chuck Donovan. Little bashing I promise.

Move out of the way this time ok. Ladies and gents....the return of BIKES, DOGS, GUNS + WOMEN!!