Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

I don't get it....up before the sun to buy a bunch of stuff you didn't really need anyhow? I dunno..gets me. But then again my interests don't stray much further than the title of this blog. I did get to watch some football today though. And as I type this the "Backyard Brawl" is streaming on another open window. Could be the end of a few rivalry's with conference re-alignment.

Anyhow. Yes we were open today and though our clientele is not typical of the mall walkers and Best Buy campers we did do quite a few transactions today. and in the spirit of Black Friday I was throwing out some deals. Damn skippy. We had a few laughs and stories to tell of Black friday madness. I mean c'mon people, y'all are gonna line jump then knock a motherfucker out? For a fucking TV?!?! Get real asshole. If you did this shit to my family you would be sure to have a very un-happy holiday.

Here's a good pic for Black Friday

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Horton who?....

Yeah, the wife and I watched this...right after True Grit. We rented that for a dollar a week at the local library. I was disappointed with it despite being a long time Jeff Bridges fan.

But if you missed this....muted commercials and missed out on lyrical and artistic genius. I am assuming that my audience with kids likely already saw this. I am also assuming I left behind my promise for this blog by posting this but what the hell.

Now go get in bed for Black Friday

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Yeah, I am taking a couple days off work. Wednesday we are usually closed anyhoo, and of course tomorrow the whole country is busy with Turkey and what not. Damn.....Turkeys.

Yes, I slept in, walked the dog, hit up Food Lion before all the soccer moms had there chance and now the wife is cooking some trout for lunch. I am a pretty lucky dude.

Gets me thinking though. Yesterday this blog had a record 376 hits. What the...? we barely had 600 all last month? Traffic sources have it coming on from all over the place and not the usual Facebook links. Maybe I landed on some SEO keyword by accident...who knows.

Not sure why so many folks want to read about my life and the non-sensical things I do. I guess in my opinion I do have a pretty cool life. I did do my best to carve it that way and even though there is plenty of dues to pay to create such a way of life, and the bookwork sucks regardless....damn....this shit is cool.

I got me a good lady, a bad ass dog, some cool rides in the driveway, good neighbors and a mountain view. My workday mostly consists of playing with toys and we are planning to shoot down to the beach for Christmas.

Not bad for a white boy huh?

Maybe the music doesn't fit the post to well but I like these guys, not as good as some but more than most. and oh yeah....Currington still sucks, I think he may be raking my leaves next week

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hunter hunted

I wont attempt to fill Hunter's shoes. Not that I don't think they would fit or nothing. Only that my writing has been un-inspired at best lately. try as I may to keep bloggin. prose. Kerouac style. it is my name that has been wore out, spit on, forsaken and left for dead.

I am the mellow muffin man. I am the better of the last. I am the trees, sky wind and asphalt.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Well then

Not sure if permission to work all morning and watch the last WCU football game all afternoon despite previous plans with the wife is a good or bad thing. I was honest in letting her know that a Toy Run with a bunch of other folks was not really my cup of tea.

I did get the use of a pretty bitchin Camaro for the run though, seeins how the Cadillac is now having tranny issues. could be worth old dudes in Santa hats for the sake of sportin that green lil bugger

Yeah...I know I claimed to be posting a lil' more deeper than this but ehhh. Im feeling shallow tonight. Like blow the family off for motorcycles and FCS football shallow.

OK, maybe I do the toy Run thing-ee but with Cadillac tranny issues its got me thinking.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I thought maybe this blog should get a little more real for a while, a little less smart ass and a little more doing something to make the world better. Maybe a charity or some shit I don't know. the wife does want me to shine the Cadillac for Toys for Tots this weekend, a big red bow on the grill and shit. I dunno.....she doesn't ask much but that typically aint my scene. We do have our logo on the t-shirt so a part of me feels like we did our part. We stroked a check and a local kid gets a better Christmas because of it. Not that I need a pat on the back or nothing, just doing our part. Local business should give some back to the locals I firmly believe.

Now if I had the choice I would like to go to India. Lots of two wheeled scoots over there and apparently the self propelled 4 wheel click clack is catching on. Indians seem to wear poverty better than Americans but what do I know, I have heard of some shit dropping down over there too. I was blessed with a chillum and Ganges water from The Dude once though.

Here's ta fuckin!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Child Hood

My early teens were peppered with nothing more than skateboards and skateboards. It was my daily thought, my daily ambition, affliction and addiction. God I loved the sound of urethane clicking along on pavement.

About 16 my life turned to booze, drugs and girls and the skateboards moved to the back of the closet. I imagine if E-Bay had come along yet those same boards would have been posted on there for sale. the boards I once loved. Sooner rather than later I moved on , or rather sold out, to become a person I knew deep inside I never was.

Drug addiction and other mental health issues had taken me over and I self medicated on a daily basis for many years to come. I won't go into the whole long and tear filled story right here but I do know that these two men were at the forefront of ones I once looked up to. Read about in magazines, watched on VHS and traveled many a mile to witness in contests and demo's.

funny how life works out at times. Though they may have a different slant on there Higher Power it is still the same 360 air.

Thanks Lance, Thanks Christian. I once again admire you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dogs and Women

We really need to get back to the basics here. Yes we got some music for you die hards but I been slack on the content I must admit. Nary a dog or woman here for a while, and for this I do apologize.

Love you all.

Keep checking in

Monday, November 14, 2011


I always heard that phrase from Rowdy Rod or whatever the hell his name was on The Price is Right. Early bob Barker era...I musta watched that show a thousand times with my granny back in the day. Otherwise known to her as "my show" None of the cars they ever gave away were ever quite this cool if memory serves, and I later recall finding out that folks had to pay tax, destination and a whole host of other bullshit if they actually wanted the car they won.

The wife and I been car shopping lately, mostly looking for that cool thing on Craigslist that doesn't exist on the car lot. It will primarily be her car so I am mostly keeping my mouth shut, only commenting on what i like and not much on what I don't. I do imagine though I will get to drive it from time to time so I am doing my best to steer her clear of the chickmobile or any other thing I might be embaressed behind the wheel of.

Not sure she would go for this but it would be high on my own list


To brighten your some daisies or some other shit. This oughta be good

Just what we need on an overcast day. Jimi was like none other so don't even try mister Slash.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Mood

Yeah...that about sums it up.

I'd rather not talk about it either and please don't try and save me. I really can't deal with that right now. When a wrench is spinning all seems right though

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fire Walking

I really have nothing cool strange or foreboding to say tonight. I got to thinking about this move earlier today while watching the rain. Standing at the bay door, coffee and cigarette drifting in the cool autumn breeze thinking of David Lynch genius, (he is a genius in my book)

This movie had more of an effect on my young life than I realized till later.

Sylva might have some Twin Peaks shit going on, plenty of insanity, motorcycles and bored teenage kids running around. Home of the ultra wealthy and dirt floor poor. We are a bit further from Canada though.

Green is it's color

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This may have been a little more fitting pre-Halloween but what the hell huh? It is still bad ass as all git out and if you don't think so your prolly some little pansy anyhow.

I mean fo real....your gonna listen to some Hollywood wanna be bullshit when your old SounDesign stereo could be spinnin some Monsters???? REALLY

If you don't dig this you suck and should pay me to rake my leaves. Go back to the burbs you puke