Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Yeah, I am taking a couple days off work. Wednesday we are usually closed anyhoo, and of course tomorrow the whole country is busy with Turkey and what not. Damn.....Turkeys.

Yes, I slept in, walked the dog, hit up Food Lion before all the soccer moms had there chance and now the wife is cooking some trout for lunch. I am a pretty lucky dude.

Gets me thinking though. Yesterday this blog had a record 376 hits. What the...? we barely had 600 all last month? Traffic sources have it coming on from all over the place and not the usual Facebook links. Maybe I landed on some SEO keyword by accident...who knows.

Not sure why so many folks want to read about my life and the non-sensical things I do. I guess in my opinion I do have a pretty cool life. I did do my best to carve it that way and even though there is plenty of dues to pay to create such a way of life, and the bookwork sucks regardless....damn....this shit is cool.

I got me a good lady, a bad ass dog, some cool rides in the driveway, good neighbors and a mountain view. My workday mostly consists of playing with toys and we are planning to shoot down to the beach for Christmas.

Not bad for a white boy huh?

Maybe the music doesn't fit the post to well but I like these guys, not as good as some but more than most. and oh yeah....Currington still sucks, I think he may be raking my leaves next week