Monday, November 14, 2011


I always heard that phrase from Rowdy Rod or whatever the hell his name was on The Price is Right. Early bob Barker era...I musta watched that show a thousand times with my granny back in the day. Otherwise known to her as "my show" None of the cars they ever gave away were ever quite this cool if memory serves, and I later recall finding out that folks had to pay tax, destination and a whole host of other bullshit if they actually wanted the car they won.

The wife and I been car shopping lately, mostly looking for that cool thing on Craigslist that doesn't exist on the car lot. It will primarily be her car so I am mostly keeping my mouth shut, only commenting on what i like and not much on what I don't. I do imagine though I will get to drive it from time to time so I am doing my best to steer her clear of the chickmobile or any other thing I might be embaressed behind the wheel of.

Not sure she would go for this but it would be high on my own list