Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

I don't get it....up before the sun to buy a bunch of stuff you didn't really need anyhow? I dunno..gets me. But then again my interests don't stray much further than the title of this blog. I did get to watch some football today though. And as I type this the "Backyard Brawl" is streaming on another open window. Could be the end of a few rivalry's with conference re-alignment.

Anyhow. Yes we were open today and though our clientele is not typical of the mall walkers and Best Buy campers we did do quite a few transactions today. and in the spirit of Black Friday I was throwing out some deals. Damn skippy. We had a few laughs and stories to tell of Black friday madness. I mean c'mon people, y'all are gonna line jump then knock a motherfucker out? For a fucking TV?!?! Get real asshole. If you did this shit to my family you would be sure to have a very un-happy holiday.

Here's a good pic for Black Friday