Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Return of the BE-Log

One year, ok, nearly one year, or approx ten months if we wish to be more exact but damn I been busy. Moving (twice) Leaving not only a job but a career behind and starting another business. Damn I could go on for a while about this and I just might. I mean that is the point of most people s blogs right?? Hoping that others have such boring and fundid lives that they will read about there otherwise boring life also.

We dont do news around here, @ least not traditional type FOX NEWS. SNOOZE. Will it make you fel any better if I told you right up front I will keep the politics to a minimum. Truly, we will keep politics to the positive. Yes Ron Paul, Yes Rand and Chuck Donovan. Little bashing I promise.

Move out of the way this time ok. Ladies and gents....the return of BIKES, DOGS, GUNS + WOMEN!!