Friday, September 23, 2011

Back again

Summer winding down and we are back here for the fall. If you have read this then you know just how inconsistent this blog tends to be. OK. Now it looks like I am part of or an Admin for three of these things. Maybe I should use them for something a little more productive.

Lucero is coming to Knoxville soon. One thing about living here in Hee Haw land is that good music...I mean really fucking good music can be a little hard to come by. You gotta travel and Knoxville is well over 100 miles. May ot seem like alot but for you city folk think of having to go over 100 clicks to see a decent show. Asheville which is about an hour a way has mostly pussed out and been sold to the highest bidder, can't remember the last time a full on underground show really caught my attention.

I know I have posted these guys plenty but they truly are a hidden national treasure. Eat balls Nashville, this is some real shit from Memphis.