Monday, January 9, 2012


Yeah these fucks been wrong for so long everyone thinks they are right. Me, personally, I am just flat out disgusted by these assholes. What is more depressing, that this is what we the people trot out as the best brightest options for a potential new President? Or that we the people actually sit and listen to these douche bags as if they have something new and interesting to say. Yeah I know....I have stood firm behind Ron Paul, and I will continue to do so but mother fuck you assholes. Is it really that hard? Is there really anyone better, more consistent, more qualified? NO!

Then why the hell is he left out of media coverage, left out of debates, made to look like a troublemaker. God damn I can't go into all that right now. Yes, I am cursing a whole bunch right here, yes, Like i said I am a judgemental ass, I admit it, that is the first step. Fuck you Romney