Monday, November 8, 2010


OK,,,so I did it, yeah it was me....what of it. 5 Days of whole raw vegan Organic goodness and I picked up some cooked and cheesy veggies today. A part of me felt like a slipper again. Ya know that drama filler that is always in and out of meetings?? The one with never ending tears in there eye??

Another part of me felt like the rebel with a cause, or a pause, hell I dont know, I had some North Carolina Mexican in preparation for some TX Taco, Tex Mex, Torchy's sausolito good waves. Be better than the Chi-town hot dog PLEASE!!!

Really its just for the up coming vacation, and learning the moderate and easy transition. I do plan to eat me a prickly pear while there though.....If'n that is OK with you

This is prolly what Tom Waits would have been if he were off the sauce. L.A sure as hell aint no diamond me