Tuesday, April 14, 2009

1982 Yamaha XZ550Vision

Yes often times motorcycles have a lengthy name and title coupled with a cc labeling and a couple three letters that tell you little lest you be in the know. But here folks as the title reads is one of the ugliest damn bikes Yamaha ever made. If memory serves me right it was only made in 82 and 83 then along came the Seca then onto the SecaII (Yes, that's 2)

I owned a nastier, uglier likely louder version of this motorcycle and likely I paid to much for the thing but I didnt give a damn. I was an impulsive young man and somehow I fell in love with the old snot drippin oil flingin beast and I terrorized the streets of Cincinnati Ohio for two years with the old S.O.B

The thing had a tendency to get the wobbles at around 80-85mph and likely at the time that was a good thing for me lest I would have ended up in a ditch somewheres in Northern KY not to mention the electric and duct tape seat along with dented and slighty rusted gas tank. I dont think I ever once changed the oil, Just added more every couple tanks of gas from the back pack carried quart of brandless over priced gas station oil. Not to mention the illegal tags and never once did I renew my moto-psycho temps. It was a rat bike and often I see these bikes just as ratty or more than the one I had. The Vision was and is ugly, slow and totally an 80's P.O.S. Ranks right up there with neon zebra tights, braided shoelaces, and mullets and I am damn proud to say I owned one,