Thursday, April 30, 2009

Unknown Heavyweight Contender.

Remember Bio-Hazard, not the media bullshit hype, the band? Some of you vaguely maybe. I already told you, I like things other folks know little about. I like originality over familiarity. Give me a new something rather than the same old tired piece of radio. If you were on the outside of the extreme sports world, before it was called extreme sports you likely never heard of BeoWulf. The whole Venice connection somehow was overshadowed by the Godfather, Suicidal Tendencies. This was before rap and hip-hop took over skateboarding, 'crossover' was likely yet to be coined and no one gave a good god-damned monkeys arm pit about your fucking cd player. MP3 wasnt even known and your cassette deck was better than FM.

BeoWulf was pure aggression, pure channeled anger, pure fucking metal. It was written because it was, not because it was marketed and then produced. It was badass, it was hard, it was real. It was better than anything you never fucking heard. New school kids wish they had heard this before they bought the black album.

I wish I could find my creepers and white tube socks about now.