Sunday, April 12, 2009

Long May You Run Forrest

Disturbing news to report my friends. Long Story short, Facebook allowed me to stumble upon an old lady friend a few days ago and in an extended on-line chat last night I learned of the passing of an old mutual friend.

My first sponsor in my recovery journey, simply known as Forrest. Truly a give you the shirt off his back kind of guy and a man who was there for me in one of the darkest and most horrid times of my life. I can never repay Forrest for all he ever did for me and he likely would want nothing in return for it anyhow. Forrest was there to pick me up for meetings and work the steps in addition to seeing I was well fed, coffee full and just plain OK. He would listen to my rants, take me to the S.D beaches where we would swim and play with his dog, and shoot pool. (He could run a table like that). Forrest showed me the love of animals, people, life and the short; just be a damn fine friend to a heartbroken and confused young man who had little of anything at the time. He never asked me for a damn thing and always had a witty remark in his oh so dry humor to make one laugh.

Long May You Run Forrest.....Long May You Run. This all took place 13-14 years ago now and today I am nearly 4 years clean and sober brother. My next anniversary is dedicated to you. I am at a loss for words. You are loved brother, truly you are loved