Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gamblin' House

Some of you who are close to me may know that today is my 4th anniversary of a life now lived clean and sober. I knew to get my arse to a good meeting tonight and pick up a chip, and to my surprise a chip was a coin that a good ol' boy named Jack passed along to me. Not only that the chairperson had no lead (speaker) lined up for this meeting and just a few moments before the meeting was to begin I was asked to speak.

Not being one wanting to turn down service work and being my anniversary I kindly responded with a yes. And it all goes to show that the perception of two men is never the same. As always when speaking I had trouble with eye contact and that was fine. Though all the while, and now looking back, through my quick and silent prayers H.P carried me through. I do believe I was truly outside of my body during my talk, like I was standing behind myself watching my other (higher) self speak to a room of near 30 people.

I had an excellent response, was asked to lead again in July and in turn was able to take out a nice little insurance policy for myself, a policy that helps me insure immunity from intoxication, inebriation and incarceration.

I leave you with quite possibly one of my favorite singer songwriters of all time, Malcomb Holcombe. I have had the privilege of meeting Malcolm on several occasions and he told me something once I will never forget. "A minute a second a breath at a time if that's what it takes." Here is Malcolmb at the Grey Eagle in Asheville NC. A legendary musician in a classic venue in a strange little city.

God Bless.