Saturday, May 2, 2009


Here is the virgin salt flat run of the Confederate Wraith. I remember this day and recall being on the phone with these guys waiting for there turn to run. It was unclear earlier in the day if this would get to take place, crew and equipment had driven from New Orleans to Bonneville to learn these salt flats hold quite a bit o' moisture and it was pushing through the surface pretty hard that morning.

I had quite the falling out with one of the fellas of Confederate shortly after this was filmed. At one time he and I were close friends and I always figured we would be lifelong pals. We would ride old Jap bikes together, chase women, shoot guns, share dog responsibilities and drink large quantities of alcoholic beverage on a near if not daily basis. Sadly, my antics caused my old friend to cut ties with me and for this I cannot say I blame him.

Confederate has many Ohio roots, in particular Cincinnati, in fact I believe the Wraith found its humble beginnings on paper in the Queen City, then made its way to rock star status in the Big Easy. I still own a t-shirt with a picture of this bike and likely it is one of the few things I plan to hold onto for sometime to come.

Please forgive me old friend, I think of our exploits from time to time and maybe one day we will patch the race tire between us. In the meantime a showing of the art you helped create.