Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jane Said

So I promised new rare and unusual, this may qualify as all 3. I dont know what else can be said about this show that hasnt been already. Ever go to a total live music church of the GODS, and some asshole is standing there with no fucking clue what he os really witnessing? There were a couple of those there, and why the hell some people walk into a general admission venue and head straight to the lawn is beyond me but front and center we stood and waited, waited through a Sonic Youth knockoff opening act and then waited AGAIN through a DJ with an apple till finally Perry and company took the stage. I would have waited twice as long for this, and I seriously nominate for one of the best live shows of my time, (and I been to more than a few)

Sound here is shitty, video is grainy but at least U get a moment to see what we saw, this was the closing statement