Friday, May 15, 2009

So the time has come to move on from the Buckeye State, I knew OH would not last and my that lust, thirst, CRAAAAAAVE! For all things extreme just cannot be found here amidst the corn and soy. Not that I haven't the utmost respect and admiration for the Midwest family farmer, and I did/do thoroughly enjoy a good Buckeye football "hand 'em there ass in a Kroger sack" whoopin'.

Az I say though, time is time and the wetsuit likely needs a good freshwater soak and hang before it returns to the Carolina coast. I think my change jar is likely large enough for a good hundred dollar beater surf board. Carolina surf can be harsh tight fast and unpredictable, while waiting on the magical third swell it just might be the second or fifth you are better off to drop in on.

Good video here, I didn't go Rage heavy on purpose but why the hell not, salt foam and Morello, that's a good one for an outside break.
