Monday, May 4, 2009


It still leaves me flabbergasted that any thinking human being could have voted for Obama. We could go into a whole bunch of Hocus Pocus conspiracy theory with little to back it up or we could address the facts. Facts is facts ma'am and I could shoot a gaping hole through anyone of B.O's "bullet" points right here. Typical politician, lets dance in a circle around the easiest of questions. Everybody knows a circle has no corners.

And next we see (as the woman will state) "Mr. Constitution" Nice wording ma'am. Can anyone here with half a peanut listen to Dr. Paul and seriously tell me this guy is "fringe"

Yes.....I know the election is long since over and that is beside the point. We have even surpassed the first 100 days where it would appear one thing, Obama has proven himself to be all he promised not to be. Even a guy like me who gets his news from the internet and does not even own a TV much less pay a cable bill. Notice Dr. Paul answers his question straightforward no holds barred matter of fact. One would have thought that the refreshment this man brought to American politics would have been a most welcome "CHANGE" we could all believe in, not just he good folks of Texas. The system is rigged folks and make no mistake I feel no anger. Sympathy? YES. Humor? YES. And a blessed and confident reassurance that "real change" will be here in this decade. Obama has already proven more of the same with the exception of possibly skin tone. Yes....I really did just type that you lil' wuss ass liberal wanna be. True conservation comes from true Republican values, the Bush family was/is neither.